Thursday, January 28, 2010

Humans were Born to Run Barefoot

If this isn't proof, then you should check out Christopher McDougall's book, "Born to Run." It's a fascinating look at the Tarahumara tribe and why we are "Born to Run." Check out Jon Stewart's interview with McDougall from August 18, 2009.

NPR Story Link here

Friday, January 22, 2010

Pain is Weakness Leaving the Body -U.S. Marines

I guess this means that I've got a lot of weakness. I have officially deferred my entry for the Austin Marathon to 2011. The pain after my weekend run in Houston was too much. At mile two my legs began to lock up. I soaked in an ice bath and still the pain was present. I'm bummed about it because this is the second year in a row that I've had to drop out after six months of training. I'm going to give it a rest and start training like the Tarahumara tribe of Chiapas, Mexico. That's right, I'm going barefoot.

This officially means that the Marathon brew will be called, "Oh My Achin' Feet Wheat." Congratulations Coby, I will deliver your beer as soon as you finish the marathon.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Marathon Homebrew

I brewed an Agave Wheat beer last night that will be ready just in time for the ATX Marathon on Valentine's day. I need some help with names. If I choose your name, you will win some homebrew. Please post submissions as comments.

Here's what I have so far:
Nguyen: Power Beer
Rosie: 26.2 Beer
Dan B: El Hefe
Andrew: "Run your Agave off" Wheat
Cal:Shagavedeby Runner
Laura: Runner's Nectar, Succulent Brew, Love my Carbo Load Brew
Katie: Sweet Life Ale
Jennifer: Trigome Agave Cerveza
Rick: What was I thinking Beer
Logan: Any Port in a Storm
1 What-A-Finish! Wheat (or Way-to-Finish! Wheat)

2 Finish Line Weiss

3 Twenty Six Point Two Mile Brew

4 The Valentine’s Day Massacre Beer

5 The Half and Full Pint Wheat

6 Finisher’s Finest Brew

7 First Time’s the Best Brew

8 The Aches and Pains Full Pull

9 Austin Marathon “Way To Go” Wheat

10. Oh My Achin’ Feet Wheat!

11. Are You Going to Back Out Again at the Last Minute and Make Me Run It All By Myself? Damn You Sha Gearn! Beer (this is my personal favorite)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Aching Foot Soup Recipe

Doc Wolfe's Aching Feet Soup ingredients:

"about 1-2 cups Epsom salt
a bit of baking soda, maybe 1/4 cup
a bit of table salt, maybe a tablespoon or two
a gallon or two or three of hot tap water (about as hot as you can stand)
a bucket/pan big enough to relax your feet in.
Two aching bare feet

Mix all the ingredients, except the feet, in the bucket.

Put the tub in front of your most comfortable/favorite chair, and sit
down on the chair.

Insert your two aching feet into the mixture. If it’s too hot, pull
your feet out, and wait a few minutes.

If the mixture is still too hot, leave your feet in, only as long as
you can stand without burning. then pull them out, and let your feet
cool off a bit more. Then put your feet back in again, until you can’t
stand the heat again. And pull your feet out again, to cool off for
another bit. (this may also help condition your soles for those hot
pavement runs in the summer)

Naturally, each time you do this, the water will be cooling off a bit
as well, and you should be able to stand it longer and longer each
time. (also your feet may be getting used to the heat).

Before the water is cold, your feet are done.

You can reheat the mixture for use later the same day, or the
following day, as desired.

If you have a lake, ocean, pond, river, or other body of cool water,
you can alternate between wading in the cool water and the hot foot

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My Kenyan Legs are in the Shop

Dear Sha (my running partner in Amarillo who is complaining about the cold weather),

I have TWO pulled IT bands. My left one hurt so bad after last Saturday's 16-mile run that I could NOT walk for three days. I have a severe case of plantar faciitis in my right foot that is going to take months to heal. I am going to a active relief physical therapist THREE times a week. And I still plan on running the Austin Marathon in February. So, just because my Kenyan legs are in the shop for a little while, I still plan on kicking your butt. So, you should get your butt out in the cold and run because you CAN.


p.s. I also have a pinched nerve in the top of my foot.