Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Aching Foot Soup Recipe

Doc Wolfe's Aching Feet Soup ingredients:

"about 1-2 cups Epsom salt
a bit of baking soda, maybe 1/4 cup
a bit of table salt, maybe a tablespoon or two
a gallon or two or three of hot tap water (about as hot as you can stand)
a bucket/pan big enough to relax your feet in.
Two aching bare feet

Mix all the ingredients, except the feet, in the bucket.

Put the tub in front of your most comfortable/favorite chair, and sit
down on the chair.

Insert your two aching feet into the mixture. If it’s too hot, pull
your feet out, and wait a few minutes.

If the mixture is still too hot, leave your feet in, only as long as
you can stand without burning. then pull them out, and let your feet
cool off a bit more. Then put your feet back in again, until you can’t
stand the heat again. And pull your feet out again, to cool off for
another bit. (this may also help condition your soles for those hot
pavement runs in the summer)

Naturally, each time you do this, the water will be cooling off a bit
as well, and you should be able to stand it longer and longer each
time. (also your feet may be getting used to the heat).

Before the water is cold, your feet are done.

You can reheat the mixture for use later the same day, or the
following day, as desired.

If you have a lake, ocean, pond, river, or other body of cool water,
you can alternate between wading in the cool water and the hot foot

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